Tag Archives: procrastination

Thoughtful Thursday #242 – Avoidance, Procrastination and Coming Out On The Other Side


We all avoid and procrastinate actions that we really don’t want to do for a myriad of reasons. Fear, feeling inadequate, uncomfortable with the unknown, anxiety ridden are just a few reasons to avoid an action that could be very beneficial to us.

Let’s look at a scenario, I need to recertify for my job, I procrastinate and think I can just wing the test without studying. I take the test and fail, I can take the test again and I avoid studying again. I fail again. Now I am kicking myself for not studying, at this point my job is on the line and I could suffer ramifications. I feel stupid and embarrassed, what do I do now?

I must step back and seriously study. If there are other resources to help me  I must use them. I can take the test again with confidence and come out on the other side by passing the test.

Coming out on the other side increases my confidence and hopefully I won’t do that again.

I know it’s hard but choosing to take action instead of avoiding and procrastinating will make your life so much easier, less stressful and give you peace of mind.

Thoughful Thursdays #61- How To Stop Worrying


Worry is the mother of procrastination. Worry paralyzes, warps and misinforms our already overloaded minds. Here is a simple two step solution to stop worrying.

Accept how you are feeling at the moment.

Accept what is going on at the moment.

As you accept your feelings and environment the truth will be revealed, what you don’t need will fall away automatically, what you need will come to you effortlessly.

g. piazza

Thoughful Thursdays #52 Resistance


Steven Pressfield is one of my favorite writing idols. He writes about resistance all the time and is incredibly insightful. Resistance is something I struggle with all the time.

I  will paraphrase his discussion with Rabbi Finley and resistance. Rabbi Finley said: “There is a second self inside you-an inner shadow Self.  This self doesn’t care about you. It doesn’t love you. It has its own agenda, and it will kill you. It will kill you like cancer. It will kill you to achieve its agenda, which is to prevent you from actualizing your Self, from becoming who you really are. This shadow self is called, in the Kabbalistic lexicon, the yetzer hara.  The yetzer hara, is what you call Resistance.”

Well said Rabbi. 100 % true.

This leads me to the Buddha. As he sat under the Bodhi tree and was confronted by Mara and his army.  Mara represents denial, fear and distraction. His demons are violent and wicked.  The Buddha used his noodle to figure out that Mara and his demons are nothing but a distraction to us. Mara goes out of his way to distract us from our true path, just like he did to the Buddha. Mara’s the king of thoughts and situations that create fear and resistance. The Buddha found a way to transcend his own denial of what is important and what is not. Being in denial of all there is in your life is the ultimate in resistance. The Buddha recognized this in his enlightenment.

What are your Mara’s? Is it addictions, distraction, negative patterns, denial? Is it violence in thoughts, words and deeds?

What is your yetzer hara? Is it illness, sadness, inability to focus?

The list of negatives is endless. So what is the answer? How do we recognize resistance especially if you don’t have a ton of time to meditate or devote your life to a religion?

Keep looking for those pesky negative  incognito signs in your thoughts, words and actions that are holding you back. Chances are whatever you are afraid of or avoiding is resistance.

Wake up into your own awareness. Make Self Care important, a priority.

Yes you are that important.











Lao Tzu



At the center of your being

you have the answer;

you know who you are and

you know what you want.

Lao Tzu


Pleasure vs Joy


‘Pleasure is always derived from something outside you, whereas joy arises from within.’

Eckhart Tolle

Thoughtful Thursdays # 38 Sorrow


Don’t give sorrow to anyone. That means you first. Don’t do anything that will cause you to feel regretful. Don’t do anything that will make someone else feel bad. Detach.

Don’t take sorrow from anyone. Put a large protective boundary between you and the sorrowful situation. This means not to absorb any negativity. Detach.

Keep yourself and others safe by putting a bead in your mouth if you can’t keep it shut. And walk away if need be to stop any onslaught of negativity. Detach.

End drama, don’t respond to it and it will disappear. Detach.

With that said.

Carry on with calmness today and every day.

Does the past define who you are now?


The past can’t define who you are today because what is past no longer exists. The actions of the past become part of the overall experience of a person’s life. Whether those experience are positive or negative are not right or wrong but lessons to be learned from. Some lessons are painful some are happy some are neutral.

At any time we can choose your own path. At any time you can see an action as one that will bring a positive result or a negative one. All it takes is a little detachment about making different decisions in the future.

Don’t buy into past beliefs that because you made a poor decision in the past you can’t make different decisions in the future. That’s the beauty and benefit of free will. You always have a choice. Just step back a moment and see what is going on, then decide.

Don’t pick on, berate put down or scare yourself with your thoughts.

Be kind and gentle to yourself. you are special and wonderful,

So believe it and act on it.

Thoughful Thursdays #29


Are you a hostage to fear?

Some of the tell tale signs are procrastination, not speaking up, uncomfortable with change, don’t’ trust, I’m not good enough. The list goes on and on.

Fear is the biggest bubble where resistance lives. It’s fear of the unknown.

The cure: be willing to change the way you think. For example, faced with the unknown notice the feelings in your body and mind. Challenge any negative thoughts. Don’t make quick decisions. Wait and calm down first.

Muster up your self worth and the doors will fly open.

Happy flying.



I hate when I procrastinate. Procrastination kills time, motivation, ideas, winning and anything else that is worthwhile doing. I have come to the conclusion to kill procrastination be like the Nike ad. “Just Do It”.

Enough said.