Monthly Archives: April 2019

Thoughtful Thursday – #254 – Are You Operating From A Place Of Lack


Focusing on lacking anything is an affirmation of lack.

I have no one to love.

I don’t have enough money.

I can’t sell. ‘

I’m not good enough and so on.

Sometimes we are not even aware of the impact of what we are saying to ourselves and putting out into the Universe. These beliefs can be very powerful yet so subtle. Thoughts and words have energy to manifest.

This is the time to be mindful. Question how you came to think in lack terms. Then stop thinking in lack terms. Redirect your thoughts to positive affirmations: I have a healthy relationship. I have enough money to follow my dreams, I am learning how to sell, I am more than good enough.

Say these positive affirmations over and over then start taking action in that direction. The Universe will hear you and the energy will open doors for you.


Thoughtful Thursday #253 – Affirmations


Affirmations are those positive thoughts and words that are said internally and out loud over and over until you believe them and see the truth of them.

Simpler said than done, but saying affirmations do help make one feel better.

If you go back to negative thinking very quickly, it’s because of the long-standing criticism you have of yourself. It’s OK. You can redirect your thinking at any time.

If you find resistance when you are saying positive affirmations then that is where you have an issue to look at.

Practicing affirmations is the key to making them work. It takes at least a month of speaking kind words, compassionate words, uplifting words to yourself.

Here are two of my favorite affirmations.

I believe in myself.

I approve of myself.

And you can also research the subject on-line. Louise Hay was a pioneer in positive affirmations and her audiobooks are free online.



Thoughtful Thursday #252 – Who is Running the Show in Trauma Recovery


Our minds are not always in tune with our powerful grounded self. Being in touch with our grounded self is difficult to maintain in the best of circumstances. Our grounded self is where we feel strong, centered and strong.

Our minds are busy thinking, chatting, bringing up the past and worrying about the future, describing fears in great detail and at times sending us down the rabbit hole of despair and keeping trauma experiences invisible, untouchable, un-feel-able.

Our subconscious runs the show in trauma recovery. If we are mostly distracted it’s a signal that our subconscious is not feeling safe enough to express its concerns about the trauma you experienced.

And that is OK. Eventually, the more you learn to be grounded the more your subconscious will reveal information about the unhealed trauma material.

When this happens witness without judgement and thank your subconscious for revealing its secrets to you. Tell your subconscious how proud you are of it protecting you for so long and it can release this heavy burden, you are both safe now.