Monthly Archives: December 2015

Thoughful Thursdays #113 The End and The Beginning


The New Year is a bittersweet reminder of what was left undone and lessons learned.

The New Year is the beginning of new things to learn, expected and unexpected situations.

Happy New Year to everyone. I wish for your endings to be positive and your beginnings to be courageous.

Welcome to 2016.

The 59 Slogans of Lojong


The Buddhaful Tao

Lojong was originally brought to Tibet by an Indian Buddhist teacher named Atisha. It is a mind training practice in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and is based on a set of aphorisms formulated in Tibet in the 12th century by Geshe Chekhawa. The practice involves refining and purifying one’s motivations and attitudes.

The 59 proverbs that form the root text of the mind training practice are designed as a set of antidotes to undesired mental habits that cause suffering.

Point One: The preliminaries, which are the basis for dharma practice

Slogan 1. First, train in the preliminaries; The Four Reminders or alternatively called The Four Thoughts

1. Maintain an awareness of the preciousness of human life.
2. Be aware of the reality that life ends; death comes for everyone; Impermanence.
3. Recall that whatever you do, whether virtuous or not, has a result; Karma.
4. Contemplate that as long as you are too focused on self-importance and too caught up in thinking about how you are good or…

View original post 943 more words

Thoughful Thursdays #112 – That Time of Year


Wishing you and yours a fantastic and transformative 2016.

May you find the courage to trust your journey

With peace in your heart and wings on your feet,


Thoughtful Thursdays # 111 – The Language of Feelings


Read the rest of this entry

Thoughtful Thursdays #110 Spiritual Inventory


There are people in this world who are genuine enough to pay attention to their own behavior. Those who are aware that how their words, actions and thoughts have an impact on those they interact with.

Here is a small list to read at the end of the day to see if you want to change or develop some of your behavior. Pick no more than two or three at a time.

Was I free from anger and judgement?

Did I give anyone sorrow or take any sorrow?

How much negative thinking was I wrapped up in?

Was I stable or unstable.

What did I bring into my interactions today? Was I positive?

Did I respect everyone regardless of name and fame?

Did I take a moment here and there to reflect on what I was thinking.

You can add more suggestions to the list. You can make a chart to fill out at the end of the day. Either way your behavior is so much more dynamic than you realize.

So be positive and joyful.


Living in the Dark Ages – Almost.



My fourteen year old computer died a quick and painless death about five weeks ago. Since then I had been thrown back into the dark ages of no computer. I say almost because I used my phone as much as possible but it was difficult. So I borrowed lap tops and went to the library barely getting my emails answered.

Thankfully, I now have a new one. It zips and flies and speeds all over the world-wide web. I am so relieved.

This now my chance to catch up with the rest of the world.
