Monthly Archives: February 2019

Thoughtful Thursday #247 – What Does It Take To Recover From Trauma


In a word – persistence. However, recovery from trauma is not a linear process, there are ups and downs, erroneous paths, false information, shady gurus, promises of instant recovery.

There are many recovery styles. Take you pick, affirmations, videos, reading books about other people’s journey, therapy, music, writing, art, exercise. You can add to the list. And not all with resonate with you. And that is OK.

This is where persistence comes in.

Do whatever it takes to restore your sense of safety and empowerment, clear headedness, and life’s path.

It may take a while but you are worth the effort and I guarantee that you will be happy with the results.


Lies People Believe Rather Than Believing Victims Of Abuse


Cynthia Bailey-Rug, Christian Author

When a victim of abuse has proof of abuse, such as bruises or broken bones, that person is usually believed.  Sadly, the emotional warfare narcissists dish out doesn’t leave such obvious physical evidence behind, & many victims aren’t believed because of that.  As a result, victims are often re-victimized by people who don’t believe them, & who accuse them of exaggerating, lying, seeking attention or being the abuser who is trying to cover our tracks.  This often includes a victims own friends & family.

The excuses people give as to why they don’t believe a victim may sound plausible, but in reality, they aren’t.  This post shares some commonly used excuses.  I apologize in advance to those who find this post triggering or upsetting!  

“She is too nice.  I can’t imagine this sweet person abusing anyone!”  Abusers hide their cruel activities from everyone but their victim.  By acting “nice” around…

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The OTHER Serenity Prayer



The Other Serenity Prayer“The Serenity Prayer” is one that I pray a lot. By “a lot” I mean, I have seriously considered tattooing it to my forearm because it is that much a part of my day.

Recently I found “The OTHER Serenity Prayer” on Pinterest.

It goes like this:

God, grand me the serenity to stop beating myself up for
not doing things perfectly,
the courage to forgive myself because I am working on doing better, and the wisdom to know that you already love me just the way I am.

What a perfect prayer!

If you feel like you are struggling with your own imperfections, say this prayer for yourself.

If there is someone in your life who could use a reminder that we are all works in progress, please share this with them.

I am grateful for the wisdom and understanding this prayer brings. Bring it to someone you love…

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Thoughtful Thursday #246 – A Better Life


Improving your life is a spiritual practice because it requires mindfulness.

What is mindfulness? Focusing one’s attention on the present moment.

This is what being spiritual means, being mindful of your own actions and adjusting your actions on the road to improvement.

Simple enough but not easy to do. Keep trying, spiritual things take a while.