Monthly Archives: September 2019

Thoughtful Thursday #273 – My Birthday


My birthday was actually yesterday but I want to share some of my thoughts about it.

Today is my birthday, it was actually yesterday, and I am reminded of how lucky I am to be here. There are different ways of celebrating birthdays, cakes, candles, songs, presents, and there is a special belief in esoteric circles that for your birthday you get 10 wishes. Yes 10 wishes.

I wish for the customary things like money and good health for myself and family. Less fear more courage, less procrastination more action, less negativity more positivity.

I can write those wishes down on paper or say them out loud, I can petition the invisible wish guardians with all my concerns.

Burn bright, I ask the wish guardians, so I can see my way clear.

Open new possibilities and allow safe passage to new roads.

Clear my mind so I can be kinder and smarter to all beings.

These requests bring me to become very quiet to consider the present moment.

Right now, most of all, on this very blog, with such humble, open hearted, generous men and women I wish each and every one of you health, wealth, wisdom and peace and wondrous goodness. I hope that all your  wishes come true. And I sincerely thank you for being here and being part of my life and my birthday.


Thoughtful Thursday #272 – Saved


How many times have we looked to a person or belief or religion or substance or cause to save us from those invisible, incognito feelings of fear, self-loathing, and undefinable agitation?

The world is built on self-avoidance. We are plummeted with advertisements about instant relief from anxiety and lightning fast methods leading to boastful self-esteem. Only to be disappointed over and over that these seemingly split second, twinkling flashes of being saved have not worked, we think it is us, we are not smart enough, not brave enough, missing the message because we are cursed.

We are all desperate to be saved. Saved from the pain and disappointment of unfortunate events, unexpected delays, and self-recrimination, not feeling worthy or good enough.

Here’s the bad news:  No one is coming to save you. Yes it is unfair but it’s a reality.

Here’s the good news: No one is coming to save you. This is ultimate freedom for you. You are free to create your own “saving”

At this very moment, as you consider your existence and choices with honesty, you are immediately “saved”.

Will your journey of saving yourself be easy, nope; it will be difficult at times, unbearable, unknown, and questionable, but as you process these steps and come out on the other side, your being saved will amount to the information you need to know yourself so well that no one, no person, no god, no curse, no cause and no belief can take from you.

You will stand saved in yourself, as yourself and with yourself, saved from mindlessly following what everyone else does to creating a one of a kind unique, individual life just for you.

The message is: You are so worth the effort of being “saved” by saving yourself.

Sending all of you buckets of gardenia, wisteria and lilies on your very own self-discovery journey.

Thoughtful Thursday #271 – José Micard Teixeira Author & Coach


Here’s a post from one of my favorite writers, in this short article he says what most of us want to express.

His writing is a reminder that we must choose to be ourselves always even if you are unsure, scared or insecure. Live like  “a rebel with no shame” as Mr. Teixeira says.


I repel everything that’s supposed to be. I reject everything that it’s imposed on me. I can’t stand conditions or hierarchies. All this immodesty and false humility angers me. I have a hard time accepting injustice and prejudice. I hardly can make friendships and partnerships because it demands from me what I don’t want or know how to give. I’m a loner with an optimistic attitude who seeks to postpone everyday his mental illness. I’m not mad, but I love the madness in finding me mad. I’m proud of who I am. I’m not going to change for anyone. I don’t care about what others think of me. I do what I want and I say whatever I feel like. I’m a rebel with no shame. There’s nothing else to do. I’ll die smiling.

José Micard Teixeira
Author & Coach