Monthly Archives: November 2014

Your Mind


Dont’ believe everything your mind tells you.

Especially if it is negative.

Don’t talk to yourself about yourself.

Most of the time it is false information.

The antidote.


Be thankful for everything.

Buddhist Prayer


May I be given the appropriate difficulties so that my heart can truly open with compassion.

Thoughtful Thursdays #76 – Doors


There seems to be something enormous affecting everyones life.It’s and invisable door.

I am not sure what it is. I know it is not a dieity. It doesn’t matter how many prayers you say, spells you cast or sacrifices one makes, or positive thinking affirmation we use, none of it works permanently.  What is meant to happen will happen.

Ever notice how the movement of life is always in charge. We can call it a name but it is beyond that.

Between our free will and the natural expression of life we are constantly lead to the next level. We can cooperate or kick and scream but either way, we are lead forward through a door to our future.

Happy travels.

Thoughtful Thursdays #75 On Being a Bully Continued


Anger is very seductive, it feels powerful and it feels wonderful. It coats you like oil, where you feel slippery and untouchable.

This false because truth is soap that washes you clean. The truth is permanent change comes with kindness. It comes with doing what is right. It doesn’t come with being a bully, yeah you are going to change things when you are a bully, but it will be temporary.

It’s like lasting a dark spell. Dark spells don’t last. The good lasts. Always. It is just the way it is. It is the law of the universe.

Life always wants balance. If you are all bully or all saint life will not work. Perfection doesn’t exist. Balance exists, most days are quite ordinary. Quite balanced.

You are better than being a bully. You are more than that. So much greater than that. Look at all you have been through. You are brave and have so much courage. You don’t need to be that way anymore. Forget it, Forget it.

Use your bullying to bully yourself into existence. In a good way in an assertive way that is going to be productive.

Anger keeps you stuck. Peace keeps you productive. It is risky to change behavior. this is where you can be a bully. Be a bully against your own fear.

Bullys don’t trust themselves or life. Bullys don’t trust that they can make right decisions. Bullys think life is out to get them. Those are lies that your own resistance tries to tell you.

Figure out what is the truth and what are lies. Think of all the possiblilites you have.

Go ahead. Just for 5 minutes think of only positive things.

Bullying can become a bad habit. Try to change to get your permanent needs met. Try it………………….

Emotional Maturity VS Emotional Immaturity


First let’s identify what emotional immaturity is:

1. Moody most of the time
2. Demanding that others cater to their every whim
3. Irresponsibility, not dependable, easily influenced by others
4. Feeling not good enough and gives up easily
5. Violent, blaming, reckless
6. Fearful, easily offended, insensitive, inconsiderate
7. Cynical, unstable, complains

Second let’s identify what emotional maturity is:

1. Flexable, result oriented, determined
2. Composed, peaceful, makes effort to be cooperative
3. Has values, humble, has goals
4. Able to face uncomfortable and frustrating situations
5. Compassionate, kind, happy, patient
7. Aware of how their behavior impacts others

Your emotions give energy to the mind. Emotions are your feelings that can manifest into physical results. You can decide to hurt or care for others with is energy. You can develop new behavior with creative thinking, strong decisions and self-discipline.

We have been programed and conditioned since we were children to be mature or immature, so start by examining your behavior. What have lies have you absorbed about yourself? Change for the better can only come from awareness. Your behavior is an indication of where you are stuck in certain emotions or where your are free in certain emotions. Feel your feelings. The best way to overcome being stuck is to sit with being uncomfortable.

Feelings are not permanent, feelings are temporary, they come and go all the time. Where are your weak areas? Make the determination to work on those areas. Choose your responses. Choose to be aware and awake, don’t sleep walk your life.

Emotional Maturity is learned. It is the ability to choose your responses. It is the best way to have a happy life.

Abraham Hicks – Decisions


Make a decision and then make the decision right. Line up your Energy with it. In most cases it doesn’t really matter what you decide. Just decide. There are endless options that would serve you enormously well, and all or any one of them is better than no decision.


Excerpted from the workshop: Orlando, FL on February 21, 1998

Poetry – The River


she went to the river in the dark and prayed: Mighty river, restore me to my sanity, restore me to my strength. Let me leave my childish ways behind and end victim mentality.

The river glistened and shimmied and rode the words away from her and she was healed.

Settle In


Which is better – letting situations play themselves to where they are supposed to be.


Pushing for what you want.

I am not sure. I do know that whether you push or not situations will settle to where they are supposed to be.