Monthly Archives: April 2017

Thoughtful Thursdays #161 – Loss



We have all experienced the death of something, whether it’s a pet or person or job or relationship, the ending always feels the same: like a big loss. An empty hole that is sentimental and nostalgic and final.

We may want to run away from this empty hole with staying busy, getting high and distraction after distraction. But in those still moments when the emptiness returns be reminded that we need to feel our feelings and grieve the loss completely. Grieving has a purpose. Grieving allows you to empty your pain and becomes an energy that will turn to wisdom, love and power.


Too Many Broken Hearts



Our hearts can become broken so easily. Broken from fear, endings, trauma, and tragedy. How many times have you seen something that makes you really sad and feel helpless to change the situation? We have all run across this many times. A homeless person, the high functioning drug addict, the mentally handicapped, the poor, stray animals, the dying. What about our own personal suffering. Everyone has some challenge. It’s part of the human existence.

Tears flow from our eyes when we see others suffer and sometimes see a reflection of ourselves in that suffering. New Age philosophy makes claims to just think positive. That is unrealistic and impractical. You can’t just think for something to change for the better.

Each heart is unique; each heart has to find its own way of mending. What works for one heart will not work for another. Let’s ask: why is my heart broken and how can I move on?

  1. Take time to be still.
  2. Take time to grieve.
  3. Use extreme self-care.
  4. Try new things.
  5. Volunteer your time.
  6. Read about healing.
  7. Stay connected to others.
  8. Stay in the present moment.
  9. Get support.

In the meantime, hold yourself in high regard and shower love onto yourself. Know that this will pass.





Thoughtful Thursdays – #160 – Being Mean


I was mean today and I liked it. I plan on being mean again soon. I had to put someone in their place today because I don’t respond well to being disrespected and screamed at.

Being mean keeps nasty people away. Being mean makes others notice and pay attention to what you are saying. Being mean works in getting your way.

I am not mean all the time, only when my back is against the wall or blamed for something I didn’t do or when someone is victimizing me.

Being mean is a form of emotionally protecting yourself. It takes courage to be mean. If you are nice all the time you will be taken advantage of. It’s great to be kind and loving and peaceful, but there are times to stand up for yourself, especially when dealing with people who want to get comfortable with obliterating your boundaries. It’s OK to be perceived as a  villain.

Those who see you as a villain are the bad guys. Those who don’t see you as a villain are your fans.

Protecting yourself is vital to living a happy life. Otherwise you will feel hopeless.

Go ahead, protect yourself.

Thoughtful Thursdays #159 – Your Own Wisdom


During my life I have sought direction and meaning of my life  in many ways. Religions, gurus, books, fashion, food, and people who I thought knew more than me. I wasted so much time and energy trying to fit into where I didn’t belong.

So I stopped for a long time and got to know myself really well. I found my own way of being, my own direction, my own wisdom.

If you are seeking direction and meaning in your life, look within your thoughts. Ask without judgement: Why do I behave this way? Where did I learn this or that? What beliefs are outdated? Where does sadness live in my body? Where does joy live in my body? Where do I want to be? What do I want to do?

We all have other obligations, I get that. We have families and work but for five minutes every day ask a simple question. What is good for me? Write it down and visit it often and eventually  your desires will manifest.

You will know your own wisdom by feeling content and in the zone. Will there be obstacles? Definitely. The obstacles are left over stuff that has to be processed in order to move on. It’s OK, process and move on.

The more you know your own wisdom, the more meaningful your life will become and there is no need to justify the meaning of your life to anyone. You now belong to you. You are your beloved. You are the “god” of your own existence.

What a beautiful and powerful gift you can give to yourself: Your Own Wisdom.