Monthly Archives: August 2016

Thoughtful Thursdays #133 – All Parts Are Good


We all have different parts of us. Our lives are experienced through these different parts. We have the party part, the defender, the analyzer, critic, comedian, intuitive, loving part, parent, child, adult and peacemaker are just a few. These parts can work with each other or alone.

We are not strange for having these parts. All of us have them. Each part gives us information about who we are, what we believe and many possible explanations of our actions.

All parts are good and make up our special-ness. Problems shows up when we deny these different parts. All our parts have a purpose. To help us figure things out, even if you are uncomfortable.

Trust yourself and all your parts. They are on your side and have your best interests at heart.

Thoughtful Thursdays #132 – Taking Care of Yourself


It’s the easiest thing to get distracted with day to day activities and forget about yourself.

Here’s some simple things to do:

  1. Drink more water.
  2. Take the stairs.
  3. Seek out positive people.
  4. Meditate
  5. Avoid mood altering substances.
  6. Sleep
  7. Write
  8. Do art.
  9. Listen to Music.
  10. Be Peaceful.

Feel free to add more. It’s your time and your life. You are worth the effort.