Monthly Archives: May 2019

Thoughful Thursday #258 – Frequency


I don’t want to get all esoteric on you but we all vibrate at our own frequency.

Ever notice how you will meet someone who is passionate about the same things you are. You are both resonating with each other.

Ever notice how if you make up your mind to do something, then you get  everything you need to accomplish that something.

Ever notice how worry is a frequency for chaos, you worry then you bring negative results.

Ever notice that when your frequency is grounded, new opportunities and people flow into your life.

Yup, it’s all frequency, sometimes you meet someone and you just click. That is vibrating at the same frequency. Ever meet someone you really dislike, that is frequency.

These vibes are that mysterious thing that Mother Nature does to every living thing, it’s just one of the many ways she speaks to us and through us. These vibes are communicated and felt by others.

Our emotions, physical and mental states have vibes, our food has vibes, animals, places, the wind, the ocean, the world has vibes. Everything has a vibrational frequency.

It is so very helpful to pay attention to the vibes you pick up, this can give you vital information for making your little universe a happier and better place to live in.

Thoughtful Thursday #257 – Limitations Are Not Real


Arguing for your limitations: it is so frustrating to hear someone insist that there is no way out of their uncomfortable situation, that they have no choices to choose from, that there trapped in a box and can’t get out.

To insist on believing that you are helpless is an argument in favor of you own self-imposed limitations. Stop doing that, you must stop creating your own traps, be curious about different ways of dealing with a situation, write your choices down and make them real, without distraction go inside of yourself and ask what you need to know, search for information that may be helpful in your quest.

If any of these suggestions make you cringe then friend I am here to tell you the truth of what is happening inside of you. It is fear, fear of change, not being good enough, not being worthy, retaliation for moving forward, the list goes on and on.

It is fear that causes one to argue for their limitations. Resistance is fear and resistance is the indicator that you must go towards what you fear because that is where your answers are.

You are never trapped, there is always an answer to your situation, and you are not helpless.

Will the change you so desperately crave be easy, nope it will not be easy. You will be required to put in effort to uncover what you need to change course and put yourself back on the road to your own happiness and continue creating a wonderful, miraculous life that you so rightly deserve.

Get started now, you are so worth it.



Thoughtful Thursday #256 – Determination


Deciding to be determined is to act without making excuses for our own inaction. It’s an end to waiting to see if our circumstances change.

When we get discouraged we can remind ourselves that it is our own actions that can lift us up instead of waiting for and outside influence to help us.

There is no limit to determination: we can always extend it,

Our own determination can never be taken from us.

Determination is the vow we make to ourselves to get up again and again after falling. When we fail we learn and change the direction of our determination.

The moment you resolve to succeed using your determination everything will shift in your favor.

Try it, it will work, you are so worth the effort.

Thoughtful Thursday – #255 – May Is Mental Health Month


Here in USA it is May is Mental Health Month. The idea behind this is to bring out in the open any mental health issues and get rid of any stigma attached to it.

Trauma, substance abuse, mental illness, OCD, PTSD are just a few manifestations of mental health challenges.

There is nothing wrong with having mental health challenges and it’s important not to let these challenges fester. The sooner you take an interest in your own mental health the better you will feel. Go to therapy, read up on the issues bothering you, write, exercise, explore a hobby, continue the list in your own way.

It won’t be easy but you are so worth the effort.