Tag Archives: ocean

Kite Flying


                    Kite Flying

Years ago, on our frequent visits to the beach we would fly kites. This was long before kite flying was banned by the parks department as hazardous.

One time I had a red kite with a long yellow tail. It wasn’t very big maybe about two feet by two feet. Anything bigger would be too much to carry along with our beach gear.

It was windy. So windy that it was hard to launch and hold on to the thin rope of my kite. With the sun blaring on my back and the wind slapping me in the face and my kite zipping and zagging I fell over a seashell. Ouch. I let go of my kite rope and felt the pain in my knee.

I watched my poor kite being taken out to sea blowing heartily along.

I was sad and imagined that sea creatures would lug it back to me. No such luck. The kite sank and was never seen again.

There was nothing I could do but to save my pennies and buy a new kite at the Woolworths.

I lay on the blue blanket under the violet umbrella and took a nap. I felt better when I woke up, dipped my toes in the wavy ocean and enjoyed the rest of the day.

I will have a new kite next time we come here and start all over again.

Thoughful Thursday #258 – Frequency


I don’t want to get all esoteric on you but we all vibrate at our own frequency.

Ever notice how you will meet someone who is passionate about the same things you are. You are both resonating with each other.

Ever notice how if you make up your mind to do something, then you get  everything you need to accomplish that something.

Ever notice how worry is a frequency for chaos, you worry then you bring negative results.

Ever notice that when your frequency is grounded, new opportunities and people flow into your life.

Yup, it’s all frequency, sometimes you meet someone and you just click. That is vibrating at the same frequency. Ever meet someone you really dislike, that is frequency.

These vibes are that mysterious thing that Mother Nature does to every living thing, it’s just one of the many ways she speaks to us and through us. These vibes are communicated and felt by others.

Our emotions, physical and mental states have vibes, our food has vibes, animals, places, the wind, the ocean, the world has vibes. Everything has a vibrational frequency.

It is so very helpful to pay attention to the vibes you pick up, this can give you vital information for making your little universe a happier and better place to live in.

Grounding And Unsettled Thinking


To ground oneself in an effort to gain healthy mental health is very necessary. It’s not easy because we get caught up stuck in our heads, thinking too much.

Grounding helps us to calm down our minds so we can get clarity. Grounding facilitates that emotional release we need to heal ourselves.

We can’t heal ourselves from unsettled thinking through a cerebral process. It doesn’t work that way. Our unexpressed emotions and unexpressed truths will consume us until they are looked at and this is where grounding comes in.

Here are a few examples of grounding that worked for me:

  1. focusing on the breath gradually working up to about 2 minutes.
  2. paying attention to what you are thinking and write it down.
  3. coming back to the present moment, what are you doing at that moment.
  4. meditation, quiet time, reflection.
  5. do artwork, draw, paint, doodle, sew, knit, woodwork any kind of crafts.
  6. write, even if it is a word, or sentence, write what you hear, write from the heart.
  7. listen to music, any music that you like.
  8. take a walk, breath in deep, look at nature, go to the ocean.
  9. take a different action, redirect your actions.
  10. exercise, any exercise is better than none.

Grounding is an important part of getting in touch with your body where a lot of negativity, hidden memories, and confusion  is stored.

Our mind needs grounding for clarity and our bodies need grounding to get rid of stored negativity, hidden memories and confusion that it holds.

By practicing grounding on a regular basis, even once a week reaps great benefit and help change your thinking by changing your emotional life for the better.