Tag Archives: blue

Kite Flying


                    Kite Flying

Years ago, on our frequent visits to the beach we would fly kites. This was long before kite flying was banned by the parks department as hazardous.

One time I had a red kite with a long yellow tail. It wasn’t very big maybe about two feet by two feet. Anything bigger would be too much to carry along with our beach gear.

It was windy. So windy that it was hard to launch and hold on to the thin rope of my kite. With the sun blaring on my back and the wind slapping me in the face and my kite zipping and zagging I fell over a seashell. Ouch. I let go of my kite rope and felt the pain in my knee.

I watched my poor kite being taken out to sea blowing heartily along.

I was sad and imagined that sea creatures would lug it back to me. No such luck. The kite sank and was never seen again.

There was nothing I could do but to save my pennies and buy a new kite at the Woolworths.

I lay on the blue blanket under the violet umbrella and took a nap. I felt better when I woke up, dipped my toes in the wavy ocean and enjoyed the rest of the day.

I will have a new kite next time we come here and start all over again.

Thoughtful Thursdays # 86 – Coloring Books


Coloring books are mostly thought of  as a children’s activity. We all remember a time as a child that we sat with a coloring book and a new box of crayons.

Coloring books are not just for children. I went to the dollar store a few weeks ago and bought three coloring books and a new box of 64 crayons. I just wanted to color so I indulged myself.

I used only my non dominant hand to color. I went inside the lines and outside the lines. I noticed I couldn’t color very fast so my entire being slowed down. Coloring became a meditation, a stress reliever, my thoughts slowed down. I felt little again. Feeling little felt natural.

I was reconnected with simplicity, coloring was a quick creative fix. I noticed when I was finished with a few pages I was more focused and calm as I resumed my daily life. And occasionally forgot myself and used my non dominant hand for various actions like writing and picking things up.  That made me smile.

What a wonderful form of therapy. Cheap, works fast and gives both sides of your brain an equal workout.

I bought the simplist coloring books however there are many types of coloring books. Check your local craft shop or bookstore.

I plan on continuing coloring.

Try feeling like a child again and color. It’s endearing and delightful and it will brighten up your day.

Happy Coloring.

Blue, Pink, Indigo, Purple, Yellow, Cornflower, Timberwolf, Magenta, Black, Orange, etc., etc., etc…………………………




Relationships are wild creatures. Like attracts like, opposites attract opposites. There is the sea of change and fortune that are the vicissitudes of relations.

Relationships are wild creatures. Some relationships are warm, hot, cold – bring you up or bring you down – all relationships are to teach you about you. Some information you want to receive, with other information you become repelled by your own less than stellar responses.

Relationships are wild creatures. Your deepest desires are revealed when interacting and negotiating with another. We become enthusiastic, sometimes going forward sometimes going backwards we find what we need or hide indefinitely. Don’t hide. Come out. We show the world only a small part of who we are. Move forward toward your happiness. Stop holding back.

Relationships are wild creatures. Incognito, invisible to your own mind. A relationship with yourself is also hidden from view. We can only see the truth when we are calm.

Relationships are wild creatures. Ever evolving like the miracle of evolution we become what is necessary to our emotional survival. Ever thinking and changing who we are as we grow. Sometimes losing, sometimes winning and always moving forward. We have no choice. We must move here and there and dance with others. There is no other way. To isolate is suicide. To retreat is suicide. We must move ahead again and again.

Relationships are wild creatures. They have many faces. In some we look for our own needs to be met. In other relationships, we are satisfying others needs. The time we take to cultivate relations with ourselves and others is necessary for happiness. Without time, honesty, truth and the willingness to allow ourselves and others to reveal who they really are in safety is paramount to any lasting relationship. Without – then the relationship will die from lack of interest.

As all wild creatures they need nourishment. Fresh green thoughts, pink truths, yellow peace, silver moving water of change, bright red sun of burning away negative thoughts, blue cooling healing positive hugs. Simple, open ways of letting the world into your heart. True acceptance of the moment. Acceptance of ourselves and others unconditionally, warts and all is important.

What is your wild creature like? Physical, spiritual, nurturing, accepting, loving, caring, trusting, painful, cryptic, forthcoming, transparent, unacceptable, revolting, funny, a lie, clever, settling, safe. What color is it? What does it taste, smell, look like? Can you hear the innuendos? Is it’s touch like velvet or cactus?

You decide what your wild creature is. No one else. These creatures are inside of you birthing every day. You just have to remember you are birthing these wild creatures. It’s best to keep them wild and closest to their true nature.

Today is your Happy Wild Creature Day. Hurry we are all waiting for you.

g. piazza

Mother’s Day


Be Kind to her even if it’s for just today.
Hold your tongue say only good in your way.
Be Sweet to her even if it’s for just today.
Hold the door open for the queen of the day.
Today will be remembered by her and you.
Make it special so no one is blue.

Happy Mothers Day to all mothers and their families.
Have a great day.