Tag Archives: prayers



Did you ever wonder how many people in a crowd are praying? A woman worrying about paying bills and her children. A man in a suit feeling down about a job he is stuck in because he has a family. An elderly person with a problematic medical diagnosis. A parent with a homeless child or incarcerated loved one. A displaced family with nowhere to go. The list of challenges is endless.

Do higher powers really hear us? Are our prayers really answered?

I hope all prayers are answered, I wish for all to be happy. I wish all to be safe and fed.

Prayer is always good; we just don’t know how our problems will work out.

Dear Ancestors and Inner Family,

Thanks for being here, hope you heard my prayers today.

Love, Me.

Thoughtful Thursdays #76 – Doors


There seems to be something enormous affecting everyones life.It’s and invisable door.

I am not sure what it is. I know it is not a dieity. It doesn’t matter how many prayers you say, spells you cast or sacrifices one makes, or positive thinking affirmation we use, none of it works permanently.  What is meant to happen will happen.

Ever notice how the movement of life is always in charge. We can call it a name but it is beyond that.

Between our free will and the natural expression of life we are constantly lead to the next level. We can cooperate or kick and scream but either way, we are lead forward through a door to our future.

Happy travels.

Unanswered Prayers


Prayers go unanswered either because it is not in your destiny to have the prayer answered.

Or it can mean it is not time. It is hard to know which is which.

So what is one to do.

Have faith and keep your awareness open

and trust all will work out for the best.
