Daily Archives: November 19, 2014

Emotional Maturity VS Emotional Immaturity


First let’s identify what emotional immaturity is:

1. Moody most of the time
2. Demanding that others cater to their every whim
3. Irresponsibility, not dependable, easily influenced by others
4. Feeling not good enough and gives up easily
5. Violent, blaming, reckless
6. Fearful, easily offended, insensitive, inconsiderate
7. Cynical, unstable, complains

Second let’s identify what emotional maturity is:

1. Flexable, result oriented, determined
2. Composed, peaceful, makes effort to be cooperative
3. Has values, humble, has goals
4. Able to face uncomfortable and frustrating situations
5. Compassionate, kind, happy, patient
7. Aware of how their behavior impacts others

Your emotions give energy to the mind. Emotions are your feelings that can manifest into physical results. You can decide to hurt or care for others with is energy. You can develop new behavior with creative thinking, strong decisions and self-discipline.

We have been programed and conditioned since we were children to be mature or immature, so start by examining your behavior. What have lies have you absorbed about yourself? Change for the better can only come from awareness. Your behavior is an indication of where you are stuck in certain emotions or where your are free in certain emotions. Feel your feelings. The best way to overcome being stuck is to sit with being uncomfortable.

Feelings are not permanent, feelings are temporary, they come and go all the time. Where are your weak areas? Make the determination to work on those areas. Choose your responses. Choose to be aware and awake, don’t sleep walk your life.

Emotional Maturity is learned. It is the ability to choose your responses. It is the best way to have a happy life.