Tag Archives: ghost




When I reincarnate I would like to be a cow for a while. A mild cow feeding people and kittens, happily grazing in a lush green meadow until my usefulness ends.

Then I would reincarnate as a teacher of worldly skills. Teaching how to be a good citizen, honesty, integrity, responsibility, respectfulness, self-control until my usefulness ends.

Then I would stay a ghost for a while to elevate souls that are stuck in self-loathing languishing in between man’s energy and heaven. Eons will go by until my usefulness ends.

Then I will arrive on a flesh and blood, mortal world as a human on a new planet to explore. I will not remember my last human life and that is very good. In my blood I will know my ancestors and have their resource to accompany me on journey to my full potential until my usefulness ends.

Again and again, I will endlessly live where I am welcome until my usefulness ends. 

Thoughtful Thursday #39 Halloween


Halloween is the best day of the year for fun and imagination. Everyone has the chance to dress up and be a creature, superhero, witch, ghost, celebrity or whatever the mind can conjure.

I believe in all things spiritual. I believe in all things magical. I believe in the dark side and the light side. I believe in the power of healing.

Conjuring is about focusing your mind on some outcome. That’s the same as positive thinking and affirmations.

Looks like the ancients had this affirmation thing down to a science. Egyptians had spells for their journey to the underworld. The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a popular read and you can make your own conjure book.

So when you are out there trick or treating and conjuring wishes, please keep them on the positive side because that is all that matters. You wouldn’t want bad magic coming back to you ten fold.

Happy Halloween.