Daily Archives: August 3, 2013

A Better You



Is this really possible? How many times have you tried a new behavior only to dump it after a short time? There are few things in life that are so hard to do. But there is a way to be a better you, an easier way.


To be a better you just do loving acts of kindness and give good wishes. It’s simple, easy and makes an incredible difference in your relationships and life.


 Wherever you can silently send peace and good wishes to someone you interact with or your community, world, those who are suffering.  If there is a situation or person who is completely intolerable: remain neutral. Have no opinion. Be objective and send only peace. See the difference it makes. Acts of kindness and silent good wishes change the air, change the electrical current of events, it will cause good to come back to you. This is powerful stuff. Powerful, spiritual, tangible, rich, deep and eye raising. 


 So no need to stress how to force your self to be a better person because there is a simple and easy way to be a better you and have good things flow your way.


 Try it for a while and you will not give it up so easily.

