Tag Archives: Unexpected Miracles

Music and Love


                              Music and Love

In the cacophony of the city existed an unpredicted tune that will bring two strangers together.

In his daily mundane routine Oliver became aware of smooth background jazz of Dave Brubeck. Brubeck’s “Take Five” was sweeping and dancing through the air.

It was raining as he stopped at the coffee shop. This was part of his usual routine and habit. He sat at a table looking around lost in thought.

The barista changed the entire energy of the coffee shop by playing “Moonlight Sonata” by Beethoven. Oliver didn’t mind, he was winding down after a long day. The music unexpectedly resonated deep within.

As he was glancing around, he noticed an attractive young lady. Becca was engrossed in reading at the corner table not noticing Oliver. To Oliver she was familiar. He felt connected to her as if the music had invisible strings connecting them.

Each note became a love language, evoking vulnerability, a spell cast, and wordless words not yet spoken.

At the last chord Oliver found the courage to approach Becca. In this small coffee shop under awkward hellos, raindrops, cascading music, enchantment and mystery begins a serendipitous new love story for two solitary souls.

Thoughtful Thursdays #60 – Synchronicity


I have been reading “Unexpected Miracles -The Gift of Synchronicity and How to Open It”  by David Richo.

From Chapter 1:

What is synchronicity?

Synchronicity is the phenomenon of meaningful coincidence. It is a resemblance, concurrence, correspondence, or connection between something going on outside of us and something happening inside of us.

I am not criticizing the book at all. I am always enlightened by Mr. Richo’s work.  But that definition seems a little complicated to me. My definition of synchronicity is when you are ready to move forward in your personal evolution, situations and events will appear with no effort on your part.

You can’t rush anything, you can only keep moving in your personal evolution and be open to the marvelous coincidences that arrive.

And be willing to move forward no matter where it leads.

Sounds good to me.

Thank you Mr. Richo for your contribution to my personal evolution.